Idea 11 Blog

Fast Company 2017

By James Kahn / February 5, 2018

What a year 2017 was. In addition to our AWS Rising Star Partner of the Year award, we were honoured to receive additional awards placings – the Australian Financial Review Fast 100, CRN Fast 50 and Deloitte APAC Fast 500. Each of these awards is measured differently, but all are based…

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Idea 11 opens new Technical Operations Centre

By Bianca Kahn / November 26, 2017

While our award winning TechOps team has been focussed on delivering dedicated support and expert advice to our customers, we have quietly outgrown the space in our current office.

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Giving Back: Idea 11 donates to Children’s Cancer Institute

By James Kahn / October 24, 2017

Every year over 950 Australian children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer. Every week nearly three Australian children and adolescents die of cancer. We think this is a tragedy. Children’s Cancer Institute of Australia has made great strides in medical research and their aim is to put an end to childhood cancer.

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Why AWS Workspaces is the future of VDI

By James Kahn / October 9, 2017

I don’t want to bury the lede here – I think AWS Workspaces is the future of hosted desktop platforms. I’m going to share why. I spent an earlier part of my career designing, building, managing and fixing Citrix environments. Some of these were small, some of them large. Back then,…

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Idea 11 work with EB Games to migrate to AWS

By James Kahn / June 23, 2017

We recently helped EB Games migrate their e-commerce platform from a traditional datacentre environment to a scalable, elastic Amazon Web Services infrastructure. At the same time EB Games modified their website to take advantage of the features of AWS. Read about EB Games’ AWS experience in CRN Australia. We’re proud to…

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Idea 11 help Watpac move to AWS

By James Kahn / June 23, 2017

Idea 11 is helping forward-thinking construction company Watpac on their journey to Amazon Web Services. Watpac’s AWS journey was recently profiled in the AFR. The flexibility and innovation provided by the cloud will allow Watpac to respond more quickly to business demands. We’re proud to be working with the innovative IT…

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AWS Rising Star Partner of the Year 2017

By James Kahn / June 14, 2017

Idea 11 is honoured to be announced as the Amazon Web Services Rising Star Partner of the Year for 2017, across Australia and NZ. Thanks for our customers for choosing us, the Idea 11 team for all your hard work and the AWS team for their fantastic support. We’re excited for…

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Idea 11 is now an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner

By James Kahn / December 13, 2016

I’m excited to announce that Idea 11 is now an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner. Advanced Partners are required to meet stringent requirements in certification and skills, customer success stories, revenue and dedication to the Amazon Web Service platform. Our aim is to be the leading provider of next-generation technology solutions in Queensland.…

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We have moved!

By James Kahn / November 23, 2015

We have moved to a new larger office, just up the road from our old office. Our phone and mailing details haven’t changed. Our new office address is: 1/88 Brandl St Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113

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Load Balancing Exchange ActiveSync with Client Certificates

By Idea 11 Consulting / November 4, 2015

We were setting up a NetScaler to load balance the Exchange 2013 CAS protocols a few weeks ago and we had an interesting dilemma.  The client had mandated the use of Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA) when accessing Exchange ActiveSync from mobile devices and wanted to leverage their NetScaler appliances to provide high…

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Upgrading to Windows 10

By Idea 11 Consulting / July 30, 2015

With the release of Windows 10 hitting – it is time to show you how easy the upgrade process is! Let’s get started!

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What Does the End of Mainstream Support for Exchange Server 2010 Mean for You?

By Idea 11 Consulting / January 15, 2015

What does the end of mainstream support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 mean for your organization?

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AHBL Shutdown Causes Spam False Positives and Email Delivery Problems

By Idea 11 Consulting / January 7, 2015

The shutdown of the AHBL service has caused spam false positives and email delivery issues for email systems that are configured to use the service.

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Fixing Chef Manage after upgrade to Chef Server 12

By James Kahn / December 8, 2014

Chef is a popular open source configuration management and automation tool. It’s one of the tools we use here at Idea 11 to manage servers. After we upgraded Enterprise Chef Server from version 11 to 12, the management web interface didn’t function even though we followed the official upgrade instructions. When hitting the management…

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Using PowerShell to Launch an Amazon Web Services EC2 Windows Instance

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 4, 2014

Now that we’ve looked at how to get started with the AWS PowerShell tools lets take a look at a simple scenario of launching an EC2 instance to run a basic web server. The steps involved are: Create an Amazon EC2 key pair Create a Security Group (ie, a firewall rules)…

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Getting Started with AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 3, 2014

Admins who run Windows on their desktop or laptop computer can use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to perform their Amazon Web Services administration. Installing the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell The pre-requisites for the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell are minimal. Windows XP or later, with PowerShell 2.0 or…

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PowerShell Script to Install the Amazon Web Services Tools for Windows PowerShell

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 3, 2014

This PowerShell script has been written to streamline the process of downloading and installing the Amazon Web Services Tools for Windows PowerShell to a Windows computer. The general workflow of the script is: Validate the download path exists, and create if necessary Download the file from AWS using Invoke-WebRequest Run the…

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How to Create a PowerShell Profile

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 3, 2014

Here at Idea 11 we’re big fans of PowerShell. We use it every day to support our customers and develop scripts and tools to help with our services and support. When you spend as much time in PowerShell as we do it is useful to create a PowerShell profile. A PowerShell…

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Amazon Web Services Migration

By Idea 11 Consulting / October 22, 2014

The introduction of ‘pay for what you use’ and ‘pay as you go’ consumption models in cloud infrastructure are a dramatic departure from the traditional capital budgeting process that has underpinned decades of previous IT projects. Many business and IT managers are currently evaluating a cloud project and in weighing up…

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Dropbox Password Leak Highlights the Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication

By Idea 11 Consulting / October 15, 2014

The news that up to 7 million Dropbox usernames and passwords may have been compromised is a good opportunity for businesses to review their use of multi-factor authentication for the online services that they rely on. At this stage the Dropbox leak appears to be a result of re-use of passwords…

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