Delivering Data, ML & AI Solutions

Idea 11, AWS and Databricks

Idea 11-AWS

Complimentary Workshop

Idea 11, in partnership with AWS and Databricks is offering a free half day workshop to help kick start your Data, ML and AI journey.

  • Understand your existing data environment
  • Explore your objectives and goals
  • Identify some key use cases
  • Provide a whiteboard architecture to deliver on these use cases
  • Determine a best practice approach to delivering a data solution for you
  • Plan next steps


Kick-Start your journey with Idea 11’s Data & Analytics Accelerator

Idea 11’s Data & Analytics Accelerator is a solution designed to help you get value from your data as quickly as possible. Our Data & Analytics Accelerator helps you get results fast, to start leveraging your data  quickly, and to provide a solution to keep building on.

A Production ready solution, not a POC. All built on best-in-class software & cloud. We rapidly deliver an initial use case, using your real world data. And we help you determine what’s next.

Contact us today for your complimentary workshop.

Unlock the Power of Data Analytics: Rapidly enable your organisation to uncover insights, inform decisions, bring efficiencies, create a competitive edge, and deliver better customer experiences through data analytics.


Contact us today

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Idea 11 is a specialist AWS partner with proven credentials

AWS Competencies
AWS Partner Programs
AWS certifications
  • Public Sector

  • Immersion Day

  • Solution Provider

  • DevOps Services Competency

  • Migration Services Competency

  • Public Sector Solution Provider 

  • Well - Architected  Partner Program

  • Amazon EC2 for Windows Server Delivery