Idea 11 Insights

The Ultimate Guide to Cyber Security for Mid-Sized Businesses [2025]

By Idea 11 Consulting / January 7, 2025

Your business has momentum. Whether it’s expanding into new markets, scaling operations, or launching innovative products, mid-sized businesses are the engine of growth in Australia’s economy. Yet, with opportunity comes exposure. Each new digital system, employee device, or customer interaction adds complexity-and with it, risk. In Australia, the cost of cybercrime…

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Using PowerShell to Launch an Amazon Web Services EC2 Windows Instance

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 4, 2014

Now that we’ve looked at how to get started with the AWS PowerShell tools lets take a look at a simple scenario of launching an EC2 instance to run a basic web server. The steps involved are: Create an Amazon EC2 key pair Create a Security Group (ie, a firewall rules)…

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Getting Started with AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 3, 2014

Admins who run Windows on their desktop or laptop computer can use the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to perform their Amazon Web Services administration. Installing the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell The pre-requisites for the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell are minimal. Windows XP or later, with PowerShell 2.0 or…

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PowerShell Script to Install the Amazon Web Services Tools for Windows PowerShell

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 3, 2014

This PowerShell script has been written to streamline the process of downloading and installing the Amazon Web Services Tools for Windows PowerShell to a Windows computer. The general workflow of the script is: Validate the download path exists, and create if necessary Download the file from AWS using Invoke-WebRequest Run the…

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How to Create a PowerShell Profile

By Idea 11 Consulting / December 3, 2014

Here at Idea 11 we’re big fans of PowerShell. We use it every day to support our customers and develop scripts and tools to help with our services and support. When you spend as much time in PowerShell as we do it is useful to create a PowerShell profile. A PowerShell…

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